

Sambros International Services


A stadium is an enclosed venue that combines a big amount of open space for sporting games and other exhibitions with a large number of spectator seats.

Timing in any construction project is essential; so is it true for construction of stadiums. Construction develops from excavation to foundation, enclosure, infrastructure, and then playing field.

Bowl stadium seating is usually built beneath the ground. The construction will transition like any building starting with the framework and foundation first.

The process stadium construction consists of five basic steps which important steps are surveying, designing and planning.

  • Pre-concept – Data is collected that includes site analysis and confirmation of project’s requirements.
  • Concept – Development of design details to determine the structural required materials and other needs.
  • Schematic design – Completion of detailed calculations, determining engineering needs, design criteria testing, crowd modeling and structural review.
  • Issuing of the final design for construction – Entails the finalization of all design details and distributing the finished drawings to the general contractor.

Work on the fence and stadium facade can commence when the stadium concrete foundation is laid. This includes lighting, snack areas, restrooms, locker rooms, and other construction projects. One of the final processes in the stadium construction process is the installation of the playing field. The field surface may consist of natural grass or some form of synthetic turf.