Building Infrastructure & Housing Societies

Building Infrastructure & Housing Societies

Sambros International Services

Building Infrastructure

In the last two decades with the economic, political and military  presence of international community in Afghanistan, there were achievements in various sectors especially in economic sector. Roads, bridges, dams, power stations… were constructed.

Sambros Int  as one of the leading construction companies, did and does it part in its best possible way and added many achievements to the lists of bright history. Sambros Int took part in construction of universities, airports, roads and bridges, logistics and many more.

Infrastructure is composed of public and private structures like roads, railways, bridges, water supply, channels, dams, ports, pipelines, aqueducts, and road networks that provides essential services to enable, sustain, and enhance societal living conditions.

Infrastructure enables trade, powers businesses, connects workers to their jobs, creates job opportunities. Mechanics, power line installers, engineers, pilots, drivers, laborers are the workforce of a nation which are occupied in infrastructure job. A nation’s economy in based on its infrastructures be it private investment in railroads, energy projects, gas extraction to public spending on aqueducts, dams, parks.

Here, we offer construction services to infrastructure like roads, bridge, gas and oil supplies, dams and many more.

Infrastructure is the backbone of an economy and the economy needs reliable infrastructure to move forward and meet national goals. It connects rural areas to urban areas to higher quality employment opportunity, health care and education, clean waters, gases, fuels, electricity and other basic needs.

  • Earth road and gravel roads.
  • Soil stabilized roads.
  • Water bound macadam road.
  • Bituminous or blacktop road.
  • Cement concrete road.