Design/Construction of ANBP HQs in Khost Province of Afghanistan

Design/Construction of ANBP HQs in Khost Province of Afghanistan

Design/Construction of ANBP HQs in Khost Province of Afghanistan

As referenced above, the purpose of this project is to design and build Afghanistan’s National Border Police (ANBP) compounds for 2000 personnel in Ter Zai, Towr Dand, Jaji Maidan, and Chergotai sites in Khost province of Afghanistan. The project is defined as the management, design, material, labor, and equipment to design and construct all buildings, utilities, roads, complete electrical systems, force protection measures, site security, and de-mining activities. The design work was split into four stages i.e., 35%, 65%, 99%, and 100% and the design calculations and drawings for each stage were then submitted to the client (USACE) for approval.

After the Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued on 27 August 2008 Sambros International Incorporation (SII) received approval of the master plan from the prospective authorities. Following the approval of the master plan as well as the necessary design drawings/calculations, the construction work was started on site. As the work progressed, our supply convoys to the site were frequently attacked by the insurgents and even resulted in loss of life in some cases. Even though each project site is located in close vicinity to the Pakistan border, Sambros International successfully implemented significant portions of the contract work in total conformance to the provided specifications.  The Past Performance Questionnaire form, fill out by Mr. Siow, Miow-Yu- Tan, project Contracting Officer Representative (COR), was extremely favorable to our staff.

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